How to spot a good recruiter

Tracy Short & Co How to spot a good recruiter.jpg

This post is for anyone looking for a new role. 

It’s also for anyone who is not ‘actively looking’ because chances are, you’re missing out on something juicy that’s not in the public domain if you're not in contact with the recruitment industry.

There are so many recruiters and executive search consultants out there it’s no wonder people get confused. Who to trust?

There are loads of great consultants out there – it’s just a case of finding them amongst the masses.

So how do you spot a good recruiter or executive search consultant?

I recommend following a similar approach to ours when we’re identifying potential candidates. It will take you two minutes to filter - look out for reputation, background, and experience.

It’s easy to do on LinkedIn – just look at their work history and background. You can find out about their experience and you’ll probably know something about the brands and businesses they work for already.

Like anything, it’s down to the individual, not the company they work for. You'll get a better sense when you're in a conversation.

Then once you start working together you’ll know if you’re in good hands by the type of service you’re getting and I don’t just mean 'keeping you in the loop'. It’s more about if you’re being listened to and your concerns are being heard. Do you feel that she/he is genuinely interested in your career? Are you getting the support and feedback you need?

Finally, here are the key watch outs:

  • Is it a sales pitch or a conversation?

  • Are they talking too much?

  • Are they listening?

  • Do you feel pressurized?

  • Are they representing you well?

  • Do you trust them?

    If you feel like you're being treated like a commodity then you probably are.

Tracy Short & Co offers executive career coaching, recruitment & talent services, and exclusive networking meet-ups.

Tracy has a unique approach to career success – a fresh alternative to traditional career coaching and executive headhunters.

Get in touch to find out how I can help you or your company.