How to stay grounded when the world is shaking
Photo by Victor Garcia on Unsplash
The problem with fear is that it throws us off centre.
We get in our heads and out of our bodies. We lose our sense of self.
We’re in the middle of something big right now and we don’t know where it’s going. In this post, I’m sharing simple but powerful techniques on how to get and stay steady when the world around you is shaking.
If there was ever a time to read the Eckhart Tolle classic ‘The Power of Now‘ it’s NOW!
Being a long time yoga practitioner, with a deep interest in wellbeing, plus no stranger to stress and anxiety, I've got some tips and tricks to help you manage in a world that doesn’t make sense.
Take a Breather
You can do this anytime, anyplace and anywhere – sitting at work, on the tube, if you’re awake at 3.00 am!
Part one
Start by bringing your awareness to your breath.
We tend to breathe quite shallowly anyway and when we scared or anxious we hold our breath. Notice how your breath deepens when you give it attention.
As you continue to breathe, observe the movement of your ribcage.
Breathe in and out through your nose.
As you breathe connect to the ground beneath your feet and relax your hands.
Part two
If you're sitting in a chair sit upright, legs hip-width apart, feet grounding down to the earth, place your hands gently on your thighs and lift your spine and head.
Close your eyes, breathe in through your nose – make the inhalation long and smooth.
Imagine that with each inhalation you are filling your lungs and body with pure white light.
As you breathe stay connected to your feet.
As you exhale allow the breath to be long and smooth. Try breathing out through your mouth exhaling grey and releasing all tension and negativity out to the trees.
After three deep inhalations and exhalations come back to the natural breath.
Relax your face
We hold loads of tension in our face but an added bonus with this technique is that you’ll look less stressed and worried too.
Sit in a chair as before or lay down on the bed or a yoga mat.
Bring your attention to your face and in particular to your mouth. Are you pressing your tongue up to the roof of your mouth? Are you clenching your jaw?
Focus on relaxing your tongue and let it rest softly in the lower jaw.
Create space around the back teeth and soften your lips.
Relax the roof of the mouth and notice how it lifts to the crown of your head.
Broaden your cheekbones, close your eyes and relax the eyeballs in their sockets.
Take a few moments to enjoy this new route to relaxation. Bring your awareness to your breath.
Aromatherapy on-the-go
I’m a big fan of Neal’s Yard Remedies Women’s Balance aromatherapy – it’s a constant companion in my handbag.
They make several blends including de-stress, calming and night time (another tried and tested recommendation). There are plenty of essential options for men too.
Hold the bottle under your nose and take a deep inhalation to be transported out of the chaos.
And while you're in the shop maybe treat yourself to some calming tea.
Of course, if you have any medical conditions you’ll no doubt know what you can and can’t do otherwise seek advice. The shop assistants are always knowledgeable and helpful.
Other coping suggestions include reading (and Audible listening), horse riding, dog walking, gardening, sewing and laughing.
Consider disabling the notifications on your phone so you avoid being battered by headlines, steer clear of the panic buyers and step away from social media as much as possible
I really hope this helps.
A few moments stopping to relax and focus on your breath will bring you back to the NOW. Try making it a daily practice morning and evening or as often as required.
Take good care or yourself and others.
If this has resonated with you and you want to talk about how I can support you during these shaky times or you want to learn more about these techniques please do get in touch.
I have a rescue remedy for your career
I’m Tracy, Career Consultant, former Executive Headhunter and I help senior executives and leaders to land great jobs and be successful at work through 1:1 coaching.
I work with clients around the world from my London-based Zoom office.
If you’re ready for straight-talk and career guidance get in touch – let's start the conversation.
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