YOUR executive job search just got interesting

Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

On a bad day, you probably think the system is against you. Recruitment processes are confusing, recruiters can be hard to pin down, and emails get ignored.

Meanwhile, you’re trapped in a job you’ve outgrown or between roles and stuck on the LinkedIn job board.

A missed opportunity, an interview that didn't go well, disappointing feedback, no news …at times you will feel like an absolute beginner.

You're an expert in your field but not an expert job seeker!

Understanding how executive recruitment works and putting a proper strategy in place will help you to stay focused – that's where my experience in executive search comes in handy.

Can you imagine how good it would feel to be in control of your career instead of waiting for a recruiter to throw you a bone?

Keep reading as I've outlined the candidate selection process and share tips on troubleshooting and having fun with your job search.

Behind the scenes of executive recruitment

Let’s rewind ten years so I can explain why I started teaching people the inner workings of executive recruitment and how to be successful in a crowded market.

I quit my job to take a grown-up career break. Six months in, I felt well-rested and human again and started networking. Over coffee, an old candidate told me it was tough for job seekers. She was a heavy-weight CMO, well-known and connected in the industry, but she confided that her job search experience was a bit hit-and-miss.

Headhunters sent job specs and then didn’t follow up. She'd left messages but didn’t hear back. Interview feedback was a bit wishy-washy, generic, or non-existent (yes, heavyweights get ghosted too!)


Jobs at her level were few and far between. She felt under pressure and not in control of her job search.

Was she put forward for the wrong roles or messing up the meetings? On a good day, she put it down to experience but on a bad day, she had doubts and concerns.

Finding a job can feel like a puzzle, you know the right next job is out there but where?

Getting leads is the first challenge, the second is nailing the interview process, and the third is dealing with rejection, disappointment and feedback.

There's only ONE successful candidate 

The recruitment process is a filtering system. At every stage (and there are many) you are assessed against a brief, the role's needs, culture fit, and against other potential candidates.

You may have all the technical skills but not be a good fit.

You may have all the credentials but not positioning them well in interviews.

One brief = one successful candidate 

 (unless you count that time when I was retained to find the Marketing Director for Dr Martens and just happened to discover the perfect Creative Director too).

The consultant/headhunter does the heavy lifting – assessing and helping candidates to prepare, introducing them to the client, positioning the benefits of each shortlisted candidate, handling concerns, managing expectations, and negotiating offers.


How it's narrowed down to ONE candidate

 The process:

  • A long list of target candidates is considered, screened, interviewed, assessed, and narrowed down to an initial shortlist

  • This is presented to the company decision-makers

  • After more interviewing and assessing, two or three top candidates are selected

  • Eventually, ONE person gets offered the job


The focus is on landing the best candidate. The unsuccessful candidates are signed off (not the best part of the job) and this is where the feedback may not be specific.

You’re left wondering – did the other person have better credentials or were they better at selling themselves – you'll never know for sure. 

Being pipped to the post is disappointing especially when you had your heart set on a role. If you're always on the shortlist but not getting the offers you want that's something we can work on together.


A confident approach 

There's more to landing a Senior Executive job than looking good on paper or sounding well-rehearsed in an interview.

It's about having true confidence in the way that you communicate and present yourself as the right person for the role. Never before has this been so vital.

The Career Accelerator is how I help my clients land great jobs. It's a proven method, grounded in experience and you may enjoy it!

This is how it works

The great job-hunting experiment

Job-hunting does get very serious – could you be more playful? Treat it like an experiment and things could get interesting.

  • If you're not getting leads try a different approach

  • If you're not getting offers work on your interview skills

  • If you rely solely on LinkedIn you could miss out on hidden opportunities

  • If you don't have a strategy your search will lack direction

  • If you feel demotivated – gamify it by setting new goals and targets

  • If you don't track your actions and progress you may struggle to keep things in perspective when things get shaky

  • If you don't have a plan you won't feel in control


If you’re interested in working with me, get in touch.

Whether it's a one-off strategy session, a bespoke package, or 12 weeks of dedicated job search support – my solutions-focused services are expertly tailored for you.


I’m Tracy, a Career Consultant and Executive Headhunter. I help senior executives and leaders land great jobs with 1:1 personal coaching. I work with clients around the world from my London-based Zoom office.