Frequently Asked Questions

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I’m not sure if I need a Career Coach or a Life Coach?

Work and life are connected and influence each other. My clients work with me to improve their chances of being more successful at work but invariably ‘life’ stuff shows up so you have to work with them together.

I bring my life experience to my work, don’t you?

For want of a better description, I call myself a Career Consultant because I work holistically and I teach/advise/coach and consult.

Will you write my CV?

I don’t write CVs but I will help you improve yours.

Writing your own CV will help you to market and pitch your skills & experience.

CVs don’t need to be boring - I’ll show you how to  improve yours and avoid the pitfalls if you work with me

Why do you work on Skype?

Good question.

I work on Skype or Zoom because it works really well, eliminates the stress of traveling to a meeting, it’s private, you can do it from the comfort of your own home, we can work in the morning or evening and with no ‘table’ barrier between us we connect quicker and get down to work.

I do offer in-person meetings for my London based Career Accelerator Clients and bespoke consultancy services.

Why do you ask for payment in advance?

When the money is out of the way we can concentrate fully on you and your needs. Also, I hate chasing invoices.

Will you introduce me to companies whilst or after we’ve worked together?

No, I don’t do that.

The programmes are designed to help you feel more empowered and confident about approaching companies directly.

You’ll get an ‘insider’s perspective’ (I’ve been recruiting for 20 years) so I’ll demystify the recruitment processes for you.

How long are the sessions?

The sessions are generally one-hour long (some services vary) but you’ll have ‘homework’ to do between sessions to support our work and your transformation process.

Why are you so expensive?

Some people think my services are expensive because they’re not used to paying for coaching or advice. But the way I work is highly-personalised and loaded with 20 years experience in my field and that’s good value for money.

Why are you so cheap?

It’s true, I’m not the most expensive Career Consultant when you take into account my experience but I wanted to offer something that was accessible and high-value.

What’s different about you?

For starters – my experience (I’ve been recruiting, teaching and training people for 20 years), then there’s my style (I’m all about personal development and your work can really help with that), approach (direct and fun), and reputation for doing good work.

How do I find out more?

If you think you’d like to work with me then check me out first!

There’s my website & testimonials (and I've got more if you need them) plus I’m active on LinkedIn. You’ll get a feel for how I work from my posts.

If you want to have a quick chat so you can tell me what you need help with please let me know.


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About me and my boutique Tracy Short & Co:

I know what it takes to be successful. I’ve been guiding and shaping careers for more than 20 years.  Initially, as the in-house recruiter and trainer for a luxury corporation, then as Head of Fashion & Luxury Brands in a leading search firm.

Over the years I've worked with a diverse range of businesses including cult brands, cutting-edge fashion start-ups, premium brands, and global luxury retailers and thousands of people (many just like you).