Going in is the new going out!

to know the dark, go dark.png

Winter Solstice is here in the northern hemisphere – the shortest, darkest day of the year.

From tomorrow the daylight will grow and in a few days’ time, we’ll celebrate Christmas, the festival of light.

When you’re in tune with the natural rhythms and natures transitions you’re more likely to feel introspective and reflective. Whilst you’re ready to rest and nest the outside world is in party mode and social media is high-fiving and fixating on 2020.

You’re not a party pooper if you don’t feel the same. And maybe you’re not ready to close the year off just yet.

So, instead of going out hoping that a couple of proseccos and a bit of tinsel will cheer you up - invest time going in!

Journaling can be helpful to dig deeper into our feelings.

I recommend the morning pages as outlined by Julia Cameron in ‘The Artist’s Way’. If you’re not familiar with the method it’s essentially a free flow brain dump of three A4 pages every morning. And the best part is you never have to read them back.

For more structured journaling I borrowed some questions from a recent Style magazine which was featuring Michelle Obama’s latest book.

Questions to ask yourself:


  • Describe the home you grew up in – what made yours different to your friends’ homes?

  • What activities did you do that you don’t have time for now?


  • Where did your ancestors come from and what challenges did they face?

  • What kind of childhood did your parents and grandparents have? How was it different/similar to yours?

  • What traditions do your family hold dear?


  • List three people who contribute to your circle of strength and why are they so dependable

  • Write a letter to someone you haven’t seen in a long time giving an update of your life since you last met.

  • Who looks up to you? How did you nurture the spark?

Me, Myself and I

  • How would you describe yourself to someone who doesn’t know you?

  • List 10 items of clothes you loved and where you wore them.

  • What’s your most prized possession and how did you get to own it?

Health and Happiness

  • Describe your perfect day from start to finish.

  • Write about the last time you felt peaceful and see if you can tap into that feeling again.

  • How do you look after yourself after a bad day?

  • How was this year different to the last?

Hopes and Dreams

  • What changes would you like to see locally, nationally, globally?

  • How do you want to contribute to the world and what’s the one small step you make towards it this year?

As well as journalling you can meditate, indulge in a restorative yoga class, make delicious soups and cakes or just curl up with a good book, a cup of tea and a mince pie.

Enjoy it while you can!

To Know the Dark

To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.
To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
and is travelled by dark feet and dark wings.

Wendell Berry

I’d love to know if you also use this time to know the dark.

In case we haven’t met, I'm an Executive Headhunter turned Career Coach. I help senior-level professionals working in fashion, luxury and retail to position and sell their expertise so they boost their earning potential and land great roles