Magical Planning Technique


Don’t be in such a hurry to work it all out, there’s no need to panic – really there isn’t. I know that’s easier said than done – especially at this time of year with ‘new year, new you’ every which way you turn.

So, let me help you to drown out some of that noise.

It’s time to start designing your life on your terms.

But first, I should mention that this is a tried and trusted process that I was given at a workshop some years back. It’s simple but incredibly powerful and it changed my life and outlook.

I’ve used the technique every year since and often at the start of a new project (my new kitchen being the latest example).

So, if you find conventional goal-setting uninspiring or plain boring – keep reading!

Warning, you may go deep so don’t be surprised if it triggers some emotions.

If it does - great and if doesn’t – that’s good too.

 The process

 Step One: Review

  • Make yourself a cup of tea, gather up your calendar, diary and phone. (Forget about digital detoxing today – your photos and social media accounts hold memories and reminders). 

  • On a blank sheet of A4 draw a line through the middle and mark the 12 months of the year along the line.

  • Review the key moments, highs (and lows) of the year passed and then plot them out like you would a graph. (The high points above the line and the low ones below it).  Include holidays, promotions, birthdays, weddings, special occasions, and sad or tough ones too. Get it all out on that chart.

  • This is your year-to-view timeline. Don't avoid this part – it’s where the gold lies!

  • Now looking at the chart you’ve made, and with no judgment or self-criticism, go ahead and find a word or phrase, to sum up, the year that's passed. Don’t be surprised if there are some spectacular peaks and troughs.  

Sound simple?

It is.

But it’s the getting it out of your head and down on paper that gives valuable perspective.

Now, you're ready for future planning.


Step Two: Design

  • Avoid any temptation to by-pass step one. Trust me on this one, you'll be missing a trick if you do.

  • It's easier to plan for the future when you know where you've been. So instead of plucking a random ‘high vibe’ word out of thin air, get that valuable bird’s-eye view first.

  • Then, when you’re ready, pick a word or phrase to represent your intention or focus going forward.

Step Three: Magic

  • Don’t be put off by my ‘magic’ heading, it’s just for fun (or is it?)

  • Seal your deal with a vision board.

  • A vision board acts as a visual reminder of the mood, quality, feeling or goal you've set for the year ahead. There are plenty online if you need some inspiration. Pinterest is a good place to start.

  • Creating from scratch by tearing images from magazines, cutting and sticking is recommended as it will help to bed in your intention. But if you prefer, make a virtual one or buy postcards that inspire you.

  • Once you’ve completed your vision board put it somewhere you’ll see it. Your desk or desktop, on the fridge, in your purse or wallet as a visual reminder when motivation is required or the sea ahead gets choppy.

How this process helped me

  • I discovered that my too-busy work lifestyle was getting in the way of me doing a lot of the things I love, the things that gave me energy and lifted my spirit.

  • I could see in black and white that my life was all work and no play.

  • I pinned the board up where I could see it last thing at night and first thing in the morning _ it became my North Star.

  • Within three months I had quit my corporate job. Then during a wonderful sabbatical, I used the very same technique to design a happier more fulfiling life.

I’d love to hear how you get on with this process or if you use something similar. I learnt this one from Danielle North on an Instant Pause.

And if you need help with your work/lifestyle get in touch!

Happy New Now!

How to feel the fear and make a plan


I’m Tracy, Career Consultant, former Executive Headhunter and I help senior executives and leaders to land great jobs and be successful at work through 1:1 coaching.

I work with clients around the world from my London-based Zoom office.

If you’re ready for straight-talk and career guidance get in touch – let's start the conversation.


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