How to write a killer CV (my top tips)

Blog Your CV should start a conversation.jpg

I’m obsessed with CVs!

I’m obsessed with how bad they are and how good they could be.

I’m obsessed with how senior executives have junior sounding CVs.

I’m obsessed with how obsessed people get about their CVs.

I’m obsessed with how easy it is to improve them.

But enough about me let’s look at how you can improve your CV.

My top five tips for improving your CV

Tip No. 1 Your CV should start a conversation!

When you write your CV have one wish for it – that it should start a conversation.

Your CV has the potential to be a door opener, an ice-breaker, a calling card or a conversation starter, the rest is down to you.

Don’t cram your CV with too much information!

Focus on great content.

Imagine that you’re the person receiving your CV – would you like to find out more?

Tip No.2 It's a CV, not a job description!

Don’t turn your CV into a job description.

You need a couple of bullet points about your responsibilities but focus your efforts on the results you’ve delivered and your achievements.

Tip No.3 Make your CV eye-catching

Don’t worry, I’m not recommending that you do anything weird.

Keep it simple.

Don’t cobble old CVs together as the tone of voice won’t work. Ditch the ‘O’ and ‘A’ level results and those outdated interests and hobbies!

Revisit your CV at the beginning of the year as part of your personal career review to give it a fresh consistent look and feel.

Tip No.4 Mind your CV language!

Remove all waffle, corporate lingo and jargon.

Get a red biro and edit your CV down to a beautiful summary of your unique experience.

Tip No.5 One-size doesn’t fit all

Careers come in all shapes and sizes and you’ll need a few CV variations to compliment yours.

Tailor your CV so it’s fit for purpose.

You’ve got great experience and you need to package it up and highlight your expertise not drown it in too much information.

Create a one-page CV to pack a powerful punch.

Don’t let your CV get in the way of your career success!

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Tracy Short & Co offers executive career coaching, recruitment & talent services, and exclusive networking meet-ups.

Tracy has a unique approach to career success – a fresh alternative to traditional career coaching and executive headhunters.

Get in touch to find out how I can help you or your company.