Do you need a bit of help?
You could say I’m the last chance saloon. The person that people go to when they've tried everything else. When they've reached a low point, their confidence has taken a knock and they feel like they’re out of options.
But that's not true of everyone. Some are strategic and ready for a step-up or a career move, others have worked with me before and they come back for more.
I meet people where they are.
One client worked with me when all his leads had run dry. After four sessions he had not one but four strong options to choose from.
It’s hard to get out when you’ve been in the same company for a long time. I helped a client who'd been at the same brand for 15 years learn how to sell and promote her skills. She's now flying high in an uber-luxe brand.
Some clients use my service to get up-to-speed with the job search rules when they haven’t had to look for a job in years.
“I couldn’t have done it without you,” said the client who got a better job, relocation and a substantial salary increase. Want to know the secret? I picked him up on something that no one else had spotted.
But not everyone can or wants to commit to a programme – I get it!
That's why I've created one-off services to help you out of a fix.
One-off services so that we can work together:
Interview training session
We can have a ‘mock’ interview so you feel prepared (lots of career coaches offer that) but I can take you 'behind the scenes' to teach you how to prepare properly for those important and elusive executive-level interviews.
Strategy Session
In this deep dive intensive, we'll get together to review and assess your experience then thrash out your options. You'll complete this session with an action plan and accountability to keep the momentum.
Breakthrough Session
This action-packed intensive for you and your career is perfect for this time of year. Clear out the cobwebs, cut through the confusion and get your career back on track. Ready for a change, not sure what to do next, want to do more than the majority who are ‘looking to see what’s out there?
Then let's spend time together, get some clarity and create your next steps plan.
How to future-proof your career
I’m Tracy, Career Consultant, former Executive Headhunter and I help senior executives and leaders to land great jobs and be successful at work through 1:1 coaching.
I work with clients around the world from my London-based Zoom office.
If you’re ready for straight-talk and career guidance get in touch – let's start the conversation.
And don’t forget to sign up to The Insider – behind the scenes of your executive career for my 'insider' tips and inspiration delivered straight to your inbox.