Has anyone ever ruffled your feathers?
It's a tough market for job-searching, especially at senior level where there are fewer roles and more competition. It can take months, sometimes longer to land a job. People find that really stressful.
Initially, I based my services on how I could help fast-track the job search process by sharing my insider 'headhunter' knowledge from 15 years in executive search.
But after a throwaway comment on LinkedIn which I took offence to, I came clean and started talking about how my services are a game-changer!
It was a no-brainer – Head of Fashion & Luxury Brands in executive search offering personal career coaching services.
What traditional career coach could offer those credentials?
So, one summer, fuelled by candidates hungry for feedback and direction, I launched a short but effective career programme – The Career Shape-up. Designed to help
people on the job-market to get ready for the new September season but it turned out to be so popular I kept it going.
Clients were getting good results from working with me – landing new jobs and earning a lot more money. I was boosting confidence and promoting authenticity.
I knew I was onto something.
But then one day someone referred to me as a CV expert, and after reading a LinkedIn post of mine, commented that it must be good to do prepare for an interview with me.
Seriously is that all they think I do? After all these years in the industry.
You probably think I'm overreacting but my feathers were ruffled.
Clearly I hadn’t been marketing my skills adequately and why hadn’t I updated my website? I was cross about the comment but also with myself.
Spurred into action, The Career Accelerator now has its own page and my career services page is clearer.
The Career Accelerator is very personal to me – it’s where I take clients through the typical executive search journey and share my behind the scenes secrets. I also help them to nail interviews, increase their earning potential and land jobs but the majority of them say it’s the confidence boost they get that makes all the difference.
For the record, the feather-ruffler had a point – I am a CV expert, I also have a rigorous and very effective way of helping clients prepare for interviews.
Get in touch if you want to find out how I can help you and your career.