Posts in Recruitment
How to get recruiters to fall in love with you (Valentine's Day Special)

Recruiters aren’t just for Christmas, or Valentine’s Day, or when you’re looking for a job.

Perhaps you feel the same. Getting a bit fed up with recruiters only speaking to you when they want something?

Trouble is we’re all time poor and trying our best. 

Let’s forget about that and spread a bit of love today – just for fun!


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Want a new job? Don’t go to a recruiter

In fact, that’s the very last thing you should do.

Yes, seriously!

Speaking to a recruiter to find out ‘What’s out there?’ might whet your appetite, but it should only play a small part in your career campaign. 

Whether you’re between roles or you’ve outgrown your current one, try leaving the recruiter bit until later. 

You've got work to do first.

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Get ready for a reboot

Are you thinking about rebooting or upgrading your career this year?

Maybe it’s been on your mind for a while – you’re just waiting for the right thing to come along. Problem is the opportunities at your level are few and far between and it seems that other people are getting the roles that have ‘got your name on’.

You know there are factors out of your control but surely there’s something you can do to improve your luck?

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What has fast food got in common with the recruitment industry?

The recruitment industry is saturated. And with the huge rise in competition has come the race to deliver candidates faster and cheaper.

Even firms specialising in quick-fire placements are under pressure to deliver shortlists faster to compete. It's hit the search firms too. But whilst competition is obviously healthy, it should never come at the expense of good recruitment.

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