Posts in Career
Are you following your dreams?

I don't know about you but I love hearing about other peoples' businesses, it's so inspiring!

We all know that business ownership can be tough. It comes with its highs and lows but let's not forget the dreams that sparked us into action.

I've been planning to run a series of five-minute interviews with founders, business owners and dream-makers for ages and I’ve started today. I’m kicking off with journalist turned shoemaker and a fashion buying director turned candlemaker.

If you’ve found your niche and taken an exciting career twist – let me know!

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Has anyone ever ruffled your feathers?

It's a tough market for job-searching, especially at senior level where there are fewer roles and more competition. It can take months, sometimes longer to land a job. People find that really stressful.

Initially, I based my services on how I could help fast-track the job search process by sharing my insider 'headhunter' knowledge from 15 years in executive search.

But after a throwaway comment on LinkedIn which I took offence to, I came clean and started talking about how my services are a game-changer!

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How I can help you and your career

With so many coaches, recruiters and career experts out there – how do you decide which is the best one for you?

For me, when it comes to picking a coach I tend to go for someone who has a deep understanding of their subject, I follow them, check out their work and then I have a conversation.

So maybe you’ve seen my profile on LinkedIn or remember me from a past-life career – are you checking me out? I hope so.

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How to 'Marie Kondo' your Career

After doing a bit of a 'Marie Kondo' on all things digital at Tracy Short & Co HQ it struck me that career coaching is a decluttering process (or can be).

Whilst I’m no wardrobe clearing expert I do know a thing or two about careers.

Like Kondo, I won’t do it for you but I will give the guidance, support and accountability needed to get the job done.

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Career Clarity Questions

It’s the beginning of a new year – one of the best times to create fresh plans.

I’m excited about that – are you?

Working with a my career coaching client always feels exciting.

Something about shedding the old, outdated ways and thinking. It's a bit like a snake shedding its skin to allow for more growth.

But even if you’re not working with a coach you can still set the wheels in motion for change and growth.

Have you ever tried coaching yourself?

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