Posts in Recruitment
Has anyone ever ruffled your feathers?

It's a tough market for job-searching, especially at senior level where there are fewer roles and more competition. It can take months, sometimes longer to land a job. People find that really stressful.

Initially, I based my services on how I could help fast-track the job search process by sharing my insider 'headhunter' knowledge from 15 years in executive search.

But after a throwaway comment on LinkedIn which I took offence to, I came clean and started talking about how my services are a game-changer!

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How I can help you and your career

With so many coaches, recruiters and career experts out there – how do you decide which is the best one for you?

For me, when it comes to picking a coach I tend to go for someone who has a deep understanding of their subject, I follow them, check out their work and then I have a conversation.

So maybe you’ve seen my profile on LinkedIn or remember me from a past-life career – are you checking me out? I hope so.

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How to 'Marie Kondo' your Career

After doing a bit of a 'Marie Kondo' on all things digital at Tracy Short & Co HQ it struck me that career coaching is a decluttering process (or can be).

Whilst I’m no wardrobe clearing expert I do know a thing or two about careers.

Like Kondo, I won’t do it for you but I will give the guidance, support and accountability needed to get the job done.

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